Recovers local collection data from a snapshot. This will overwrite any collection data stored on the node. If the collection does not exist, it will be created.
Name of the collection
If true, wait for changes to actually happen. If false - let changes happen in background. Default is true.
Examples: - URL http://localhost:8080/collections/my_collection/snapshots/my_snapshot
- Local path file:///qdrant/snapshots/test_collection-2022-08-04-10-49-10.snapshot
Defines which data should be used as a source of truth if there are other replicas in the cluster. If set to Snapshot
, the snapshot will be used as a source of truth, and the current state will be overwritten. If set to Replica
, the current state will be used as a source of truth, and after recovery if will be synchronized with the snapshot.
Optional SHA256 checksum to verify snapshot integrity before recovery.
Time spent to process this request