Discover points

Retrieves the most similar points to a given target, constrained by the provided context. Context Search: When only the context is provided (without a target), pairs of points are used to generate a loss that guides the search towards the area where most positive examples overlap. The score minimizes finding points closer to a negative example than to a positive example. The maximum score a point can achieve is 0.0, meaning many points may have a score of 0.0. Target Search: When a target is provided (with or without context), the score consists of two parts: the integer part represents the rank with respect to the context, and the decimal part relates to the distance to the target. The context score for each pair is +1 if the point is closer to a positive example than to a negative example, and -1 otherwise.

Path parameters

Name of the collection to search in

Query parameters

consistencyinteger or enumOptional
Define read consistency guarantees for the operation
If set, overrides global timeout for this request. Unit is seconds.


This endpoint expects an object.
Max number of result to return
shard_keystring or integer or list of strings or integers or anyOptional
Specify in which shards to look for the points, if not specified - look in all shards
targetinteger or string or list of doubles or object or anyOptional

Look for vectors closest to this.

When using the target (with or without context), the integer part of the score represents the rank with respect to the context, while the decimal part of the score relates to the distance to the target.

contextlist of objectsOptional

Pairs of { positive, negative } examples to constrain the search.

When using only the context (without a target), a special search - called context search - is performed where pairs of points are used to generate a loss that guides the search towards the zone where most positive examples overlap. This means that the score minimizes the scenario of finding a point closer to a negative than to a positive part of a pair.

Since the score of a context relates to loss, the maximum score a point can get is 0.0, and it becomes normal that many points can have a score of 0.0.

For discovery search (when including a target), the context part of the score for each pair is calculated +1 if the point is closer to a positive than to a negative part of a pair, and -1 otherwise.

filterobject or anyOptional
Look only for points which satisfies this conditions
paramsobject or anyOptional
Additional search params
Offset of the first result to return. May be used to paginate results. Note: large offset values may cause performance issues.
with_payloadboolean or list of strings or object or anyOptional
Select which payload to return with the response. Default is false.
with_vectorboolean or list of strings or anyOptional
Options for specifying which vectors to include into response. Default is false.
usingstring or anyOptional
Define which vector to use for recommendation, if not specified - try to use default vector
lookup_fromobject or anyOptional
The location used to lookup vectors. If not specified - use current collection. Note: the other collection should have the same vector size as the current collection


This endpoint returns an object.
Time spent to process this request
resultlist of objectsOptional
Search result