Scroll points


Returns all points in a page-by-page manner. By default, all resulting points are sorted by {id}. To query the next page specify the last {id} in the offset field. Additionally, you can specify filters and sorting options.

Path parameters


Name of the collection to retrieve from

Query parameters

consistencyinteger or enumOptional

Define read consistency guarantees for the operation


This endpoint expects an object.
shard_keystring or uint64 or list of strings or uint64s or anyOptional

Specify in which shards to look for the points, if not specified - look in all shards

offsetuint64 or string or anyOptional

Start ID to read points from.


Page size. Default: 10

filterobject or anyOptional

Look only for points which satisfies this conditions. If not provided - all points.

with_payloadboolean or list of strings or object or anyOptional

Select which payload to return with the response. Default is true.

with_vectorboolean or list of stringsOptional

Options for specifying which vector to include

order_bystring or object or anyOptional

Order the records by a payload field.


successful operation


Time spent to process this request


Result of the points read request